VC/Unpacked #13: Hacking Deep Work

Alumni Ventures
3 min readFeb 2, 2022

This series curates great content that folks interested in entrepreneurism and venture capital should explore. Some are from my own list; others have been suggested by our community.

I’m a believer in deep work. This concept of having a daily appointment to shut off distraction and rigorously apply yourself to thoughtful, concentrated thinking on a demanding subject has been a boon to me and my company. In a day often packed with numerous meetings, calls, and conversations, I ensure that I wall off 2–3 hours very early morning before most teammates are punching in. Those are the hours where I produce work, innovate, and read.

Below are some thoughts about how to use deep work and make it a productive habit. Heads up: Deep work is a practice and requires discipline, hard work, and grit before it becomes a habit.

— Mike Collins


Cal Newport: Master Your Focus and Succeed in a Distracted World

Cal Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown and NYT best-selling author, is one of the prime advocates of deep work. In this 10-minute video, he makes the argument for the practice and suggests how to train yourself to the discipline. Note that breaking the stimuli “hits” is critical; the prepared mind is bored.



BBC / Worklife: How the Busiest People Get ‘Deep Work’ Done

This is another in a series of rich articles on the topic of worklife from the BBC that animates a topic with interviews. It offers more clever hacks for making deep work “work” — especially in the era of Covid. Planning for interruptions and “bookmarking” where you were with a quick note is both good mental and emotional prep. And I personally employ the brain warmup for deep work on my morning commute.



Animated video from Productivity Game

Too deep into your deep work to have time for reading Cal Newport’s book? This 7-minute video gives you the highlights, with everything from case studies to neurochemistry to tips for success. You’re welcome.


Visit to read more.

Alumni Ventures provides smart, simple venture portfolios to accredited individuals. PitchBook listed AVG as the most active VC firm in the U.S. in 2020.

Mike Collins is the Founder and CEO of Alumni Ventures. He has been involved in almost every facet of venturing, from angel investing to venture capital, new business and product launches, and innovation consulting. He began his career at VC firm TA Associates. He holds a BE from Dartmouth and an MBA from Harvard Business School.



Alumni Ventures

Content at the intersection of venture capital and entrepreneurship, covering innovation in AI, energy, healthtech, law, sports, and more.